REGION PURPOSE: To promote the enjoyment, preservation, and history of Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) eligible Chevrolet cars and trucks from the 1949 model year through the 25 year cut-off. These cars are some of the all-time best-sellers. This Region gives owners of restored and original 1949 and up Chevrolets a place to discuss the history of these cars and to show off their own cars. Members can share information and experiences with like-minded enthusiasts. We welcome all Chevrolet cars and trucks from 1949 and later, including full-size Chevrolet, Corvette, Corvair, Chevy II, Chevelle, Camaro, Monte Carlo, Vega, Monza, Chevette, the later front-wheel drive cars, pick-ups, Suburbans, K5, S10, sedan deliveries and other light trucks.
To join the AACA, select here. For a national calendar of events, select here.
NEWSLETTER: We publish a bi-monthly electronic newsletter, the Space Age Star, dedicated to AACA eligible 1955 and later Chevrolet vehicles. The newsletter includes historical articles, member car stories, classified ads and anything else related to the included eras. We send the newsletter via email in PDF format on the first of February, April, June, August, October and December. Newsletters can be accessed here.
ANNUAL MEETING: Our Region holds an annual meeting at the Eastern Fall Meet at Hershey and may also hold them at other national meets. We hold the meeting at member vendor spaces. In case of bad weather, we’ll retreat to a restaurant or hotel lobby. We will announce the meeting location in the CLUB October newsletter.
HOW TO JOIN: You must be an active AACA member to join the region. Joining is easy – just send your name, AACA number, your city and state and email address via email to [email protected]. There is no charge to join, and no dues to belong. If you have a joint membership, be sure to include your spouse’s name in the email. If you are uncomfortable sending your information via email, you can mail your information the old fashioned way to Russell Heim, 64 Blacksmith Rd., Levittown, NY 11756.
President and Newsletter Editor – Russell Heim
Vice President – Ana Heim
Secretary – John Mahoney, III
Webmaster – Bill Pritchett
To contact webmaster: [email protected]